Coffee and Community

From Coffee to Chorus | Operation Song
Operation Song pairs professional songwriters with veterans for an opportunity to share stories through music. Read about my experience cowriting "Keep Holding On" with Nashville hitmaker Matt McKinney.
From Coffee to Chorus | Operation Song
Operation Song pairs professional songwriters with veterans for an opportunity to share stories through music. Read about my experience cowriting "Keep Holding On" with Nashville hitmaker Matt McKinney.

Short Shorts Save Lives | Irreverent Warriors
It's Saturday and you're driving down the street. You see them in plate carriers waving flags. Your heart starts beating a little faster and the curiosity sets in. You ask...
Short Shorts Save Lives | Irreverent Warriors
It's Saturday and you're driving down the street. You see them in plate carriers waving flags. Your heart starts beating a little faster and the curiosity sets in. You ask...